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Apa Maksud THUG LIFE?

iTapuih.com - Apa Maksud THUG LIFE? THUG LIFE adalah kehidupan para preman atau kehidupan yang kejam, sebab preman memang identik dengan kekejaman. Thug Life juga sering kita demukan dalam video online, seperti dalam video Instagram atau Youtube. Dalam pengertian yang sederhana, Thug Life ditandai dengan topi, kacamata, dan sebatang rokok. Thug Life biasanya sesuatu yang tak terduga dan reaksi dari yang melihatnya dapat berupa kagum, kesal, atau kaget.

The Meaning of THUG LIFE
THUG LIFE means "you ride or die for your people, whether they know or not. Its a diss to anyone trying to make minorities oppressed"

Boy: "Do you know John Carpenter?"
Girl: "No, who is he?"
Boy: "He is the first guy to win "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" used none of his lifelines until the final question, where he called his dad. During the call, he told his dad he didn't need any help on the final question, but he just wanted to let him know that he was about to win $1,000,000. "
Girl: "That's Thug Life!"
Kira-kira seperti itulah ilustrasi percakapan yang menunjukkan tentang kehidupan thug life. Thug Life bisa juga melakukan sesuatu yang anti mainstream, tindakan heroik, atau sesuatu yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh orang lain.

Example sentences containing 'THUG LIFE'

Run a red light on GTA, thug life.

My bed time is 9:00 but I go to bed at 9:05. Thug life.

No one cred who I was, until I got that thug life tattoo on my chest.

Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/