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Pembahasan, Contoh dan Latihan Soal Exposition Text

Exposition text merupakan salah satu dari macam teks bahasa Inggris yang disebutkan sebagai salah satu materi teks dalam kisi- kisi soal Ujian Nasional SMA beberapa waktu lalu. Sebenarnya teks ini sering kita temukan dalam kehidupan sehari- hari seperti artikel majalah atau koran. Teks ini menyodorkan pendapat/ ide/ pandangan/ argumen penulis akan suatu perkara/ topik / permasalahan / fenomena misalnya saja ketidaksetujuan akan merokok, membuang sampah industri sembarangan, penggunaan internet sehat atau bahkan imbauan untuk berperilaku hidup sehat.
sumber foto: www.photopin.com
Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada dua jenis teks exposition yaitu analytical exposition dan hortatory exposition.  Analytical exposition merupakan teks yang menyodorkan  suatu pendapat/ opini/ pendapat  bahwa suatu topik atau fenomena harus mendapat suatu perhatian, penjelasan dan uraian. Dalam hal ini penulis berusaha membujuk pembaca untuk memiliki sikap pro kontra terhadap sesuatu. Sedangkan hortatory exposition, penulis menyodorkan ide/ opini/ pendapat untuk mempengaruhi/ membujuk pembaca  untuk memiliki sikap pro dan kontra terhadap sesuatu.

Kedua jenis teks tersebut memiliki kesamaan atau bahkan bila dilihat sekilas hampir sama, yang membedakan adalah pada bagian conclusion-nya saja yaitu pada analytical exposition menggunakan reiteration dan pada hortatory menggunakan recommendation.

Teks analytical exposition seringkali dikenal dengan istilah argumentative, sementara hortatory exposition dikenal dengan istilah persuasive. Untuk lebih jelas tentang perbedaan generic structure dari kedua teks exposition, anda bisa melihat pada tabel berikut,

Analytical Exposition
Hortatory exposition
  • Thesis, pernyataan pendapat penulis akan suatu kasus atau fenomena
  • Argument, terdiri dari point atau inti masalah atau hal yang menjadi pokok inti masalah
  • Reiteration, penguatan pernyataan

  • Thesis, pernyataan pendapat penulis akan suatu kasus/ fenomena atau isu hal yang dipersoalkan
  • Argument, alasan terhadap thesis atau pernyataan yang disampaikan
  • Recommendation, Pernyataan tentang bagaimana seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya sesuatu itu dilakukan

Dan untuk unsur kebahasaannya adalah sebagai berikut kut

Analytical exposition
Hortatory exposition
  • General noun, misalnya pollution, car
  • Abstract noun, misalnya government, policy
  • Jargon, misalnya species, mammal, etc
  • Modals, misalnya must, should, etc.
  • Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya significant, necessary
  • Kalimat pasif
  • Abstract noun, misalnya government, policy
  • Jargon, misalnya species, mammals
  • Modals, misalnya must, should, etc
  • Thinking verb, misalnya believe, think,
  • Kalimat pasif
  • Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya significant, necessary

Berikut merupakan contoh dari teks analytical exposition

       English is the most important language in the world. It is the language spoken at United Nations; It is also the official language in diplomacy. In addition, English is useful in many occupations. For example, air traffic controllers all over the world  must be able to speak English. Since English is so important, it is compulsory subject in any level of school in Indonesia.

Dan untuk contoh teks hortatory exposition
    Continued progress in advanced technology is not necessary. Already the technical progress in our world  has caused severe pollution in the air and in the water. Although the technical progress in previous  years has  been helpful, recent technology has significantly increased pollution. Another reason  to stop technical progress is  that many inventions  which were developed for good causes are now  also used  for powerful weapons or have been found  to have serious side effects.
     Because  no man can guarantee that technology that technology  will have  only good effects and will be used only the benefit of man, we should delay the continued program development of technology. 
Soal -Soal Teks Exposition
Dalam soal ujian memang tidak disebutkan secara detail penggolongan teks exposition baik hortatory maupun analytical. Pada intinya, teks tersebut menyodorkan pendapat/ ide/ pandangan/ argumen penulis akan suatu perkara/ topik / permasalahan / fenomena dalam satu sudut pandang sehingga pembaca diarahkan untuk dibujuk terhadap apa yang disampaikan oleh penulis tentang hal- hal yang disodorkan. 

Biasanya, soal- soal exposition text berkisar yaitu menentukan gambaran umum, menemukan informasi tertentu, menentukan pikiran utama paragraf, menentukan informasi rinci baik tersirat maupun tersurat,serta menentukan makna kata seperti persamaan dan lawan kata

Untuk lebih jelas, berikut ini saya berikan contoh soal teks exposition. Teks ini saya sitat dari soal Ujian Nasional SMA tahun 2008 yang lalu.

Do you want to buy a mobile phone? Don't be hasty. There are many things to consider. Be reasonable before making a decision.
First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment. The question might be , " Do I want it for a prestige or its usefulness?"
Then you should make a choice be the type of mobile phone. There are various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs and whether you can afford it or not.
The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high  operational costs. You have to pay more for a mobile  phone compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore you should only use the mobile phone only for important talks.
                                                                                         Text Taken from: Soal UN 2008
Number 1
What is the text about?
A. The various type of mobile phone
B. The benefits of using a mobile phone
C. The effects of using a mobile phone
D. Things to consider before buying mobile phone
E. The description of a new mobile phone

Number 2
Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. Having mobile phone is a must
B. We should only use mobile phone for chatting
C. Buying a mobile phone is only for prestige
D. It is advisable to use a mobile phone only for important talks
E. Using mobile phone needs low budget

Sebagai bahan latihan, berikut soal exposition text yang bisa anda kerjakan secara online. Ada sepuluh butir soal yang bisa anda kerjakan. Bila berguna dan bermanfaat, jangan lupa untuk berbagi ke teman- teman yang lain.
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Continued progress in advanced technology is not necessary. Already the technical progress in our world has caused severe pollution in the air and in the water. Although the technical progress in previous years has been helpful, recent technology has significantly increased pollution. Another reason to stop technical progress is that many inventions which were developed for good causes are now also used for powerful weapons to have been found have serious side effects. For example, pesticide put inside particle boards to prevent termites has now be found to be toxic to human life. Technology does not always bring good effects; for example, computers do much work faster than man, but then man loses his job to a machine. Because no man can guarantee that technology will have only good effects and will be used only for the benefit of man, we should delay the continued development of technology.

1. The text mainly tells us about ….
The advantage of technical progress in our world
The necessity to delay technical progress
The development of technical progress to fulfill human’s needs
The examples of negative impacts caused by technical progress
The postponement of technical progress due to negative impacts

2. Why should we postpone continuing development of technology?
Because it brings good effects and bad effects for us
Because human does not need it anymore
Because no one can promise that technology will be only used for prosperity
Because technology will create new innovation that gives benefit to us
Because technical progress helps our job

3. “For example, pesticide put inside particle boards to proscribe termites has now be found to be toxic to human life” What does the word "PROSCRIBE" mean?

The number of damaged roads linking Jakarta with West Java has certainly provoked complaints from locals and road users. Take for an example, the roads in Bekasi and Tangerang, which have been the focus of the media.
The poor condition of these roads not only jeopardizes road safety but also gives a squalid impression. Moreover, the condition will get worse when it rains. The roads are transformed into water pools or puddles, which can easily cause accidents if motorists are not careful. No wonder if some people question why there are so many damaged roads and why repairs do not seem to last long. The government should pay special attention to these problems.
In my opinion, the road should be repaired using the right sort of asphalt, stones an sand. Repairs should be done carefully so that the roads can be prevented from constant damage. Otherwise, the repairs would be useless.
Taken from : Jakarta Post, 2005

4. The main reason why local and road users complain about the poor condition of roads in Jakarta is ….
the roads become into water pools or puddles in rainy season
there is no attention from the government about the problem
it endangers road users when they pass into these roads
the damaged roads are repaired by the Government carelessly so they are easily broken
the repairs of the roads need more time to do

5. “The government should pay special attention to these problems.” What does the word "THESE" refer to?
The accidents occurred during rainy season
The worse conditions during the rainy season
The poor condition of the roads
The repair of the damaged roads
Complaints from locals and road users

6. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
Locals and road users complain to local government about damaged roads in Jakarta
Damaged roads endanger the road users
The writer suggests the government to repair the damaged roads carefully
There are some questions from people about action to repair the roads
Repair of the roads is useless

Nowadays, computers are widespread. They are useful, especially for children. As a computer application, the internet is very useful. There is more information on the internet than in the world’s biggest library.
Through the internet people can get friends all over the world. Although they have never seen each other, they get to know each other well. They can send e-mails to each other. The computer is like a door to the world! Computer gamers are also great fun! They’re better than TV. On TV you can watch a space ship, but in a computer game you fly it!
In my opinion it is necessary to equip children with computer to help them learning and having fun.
7. The text mainly tells about….
the use of the computers in the world
the benefits in using computers
the benefits in using computers to children
the advantage of the internet to children
the effort in overcoming computer problems

8. Why parents should provide children with computers?
They can train children with games
They give a lot of advantages
They are good invention
They acquire dozens of friends all over the world
They hardly look at computers for hours and hours

9. Based on the text, what is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
The writer persuades parents to provide children with computers
The writer suggests the parents to give children computers
The writer doesn’t care about the using of computers
The writer thinks that computers are good innovation
The writer asks parents not to use computers

10. How is the computer very useful to the society?
Children spend less time to play with friends.
People can acquire more information easily.
Children can play many games in the computer.
They develop children characters through games
Computers gamers are very bad for children

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