3 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang School dan Terjemahannya
iTapuih.com - 3 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang "School" dan Terjemahannya. Conversation adalah suatu bentuk pertukaran informasi atau gagasan dari satu orang kepada orang lain. Conversation merupakan percakapan yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain untuk membahas sesuatu hal yang dianggap penting atau tidak penting sekalipun. Bisa dilakukan oleh 2 orang atau lebih dalam suatu kelompok atau pertemuan. Kali ini saya akan membagikan beberapa contoh conversation (percakapan) yang bisa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, khususnya percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang sekolah "School" berikut ini beberapa contoh percakapan tersebut beserta terjemahannya.
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The Magnet School
John: Hi Lucy! Do you like your school?
Jane: Hi Carl. Yeah! It's great. It's a magnet school.
John: A magnet school? What's that?
Jane: It's a special school that teaches different stuff, not just math, reading, and boring things like that.
John: What does your school teach?
Jane: My school is bilingual. I spend half the day with an English-speaking teacher and half with a Spanish-speaking teacher. For example, this month I'm learning science and math in English but social studies and art in Spanish. Next month I switch. I learn science and math from the Spanish-speaking teacher and social studies and art from the English-speaking teacher.
John: Wow! Isn't that confusing?
Jane: No. I started in the school when I was in kindergarten. When I started I only could speak English. Now I'm totally bilingual.
John: That's cool. I heard about a kid in another magnet school that specialized in the arts. He had a lot of theater classes and art classes and stuff like that.
Jane: Different magnet schools specialize in different things.
Jane: Hi Carl. Yeah! It's great. It's a magnet school.
John: A magnet school? What's that?
Jane: It's a special school that teaches different stuff, not just math, reading, and boring things like that.
John: What does your school teach?
Jane: My school is bilingual. I spend half the day with an English-speaking teacher and half with a Spanish-speaking teacher. For example, this month I'm learning science and math in English but social studies and art in Spanish. Next month I switch. I learn science and math from the Spanish-speaking teacher and social studies and art from the English-speaking teacher.
John: Wow! Isn't that confusing?
Jane: No. I started in the school when I was in kindergarten. When I started I only could speak English. Now I'm totally bilingual.
John: That's cool. I heard about a kid in another magnet school that specialized in the arts. He had a lot of theater classes and art classes and stuff like that.
Jane: Different magnet schools specialize in different things.
Sekolah Magnet
John: Hai Jane! Apakah Anda suka sekolah Anda? Jane: Hai Carl. Ya! Itu bagus. Itu sekolah magnet. John: Sekolah magnet? Apa itu? Jane: Ini sekolah khusus yang mengajarkan hal-hal yang berbeda, tidak hanya matematika, membaca, dan hal-hal membosankan seperti itu. John: Apa yang diajarkan sekolah Anda? Jane: Sekolah saya bilingual. Saya menghabiskan setengah hari dengan seorang guru berbahasa Inggris dan setengah lagi dengan seorang guru berbahasa Spanyol. Sebagai contoh, bulan ini saya belajar sains dan matematika dalam bahasa Inggris tetapi studi sosial dan seni dalam bahasa Spanyol. Bulan depan saya beralih. Saya belajar sains dan matematika dari guru dan studi sosial dan seni berbahasa Spanyol dari guru berbahasa Inggris. John: Wow! Bukankah itu membingungkan? Jane: Tidak. Saya mulai di sekolah ketika saya masih di taman kanak-kanak. Ketika saya mulai saya hanya bisa berbahasa Inggris. Sekarang saya benar-benar bilingual. John: Itu keren. Saya mendengar tentang seorang anak di sekolah magnet lain yang berspesialisasi dalam seni. Dia punya banyak kelas teater dan kelas seni dan hal-hal seperti itu. Jane: Berbagai sekolah magnet mengkhususkan diri dalam berbagai hal. |
Visit to a Primary School
Jerry: Hi Fei, how was your day?
Fei: Hi Jerry, I've been looking for you. Where have you been?
Jerry: I just had a very interesting experience. I spent the whole day with dozens of little children!
Fei: That sounds like fun.
Jerry: Yes, it was fun... but exhausting! Kids have so much energy.
Fei: Where did you meet all these kids?
Jerry: At the primary school down the street. I visited some of their classes in the morning, then taught them some simple English in the afternoon.
Fei: English must be very difficult for them.
Jerry: Actually, they were very eager to learn. I was quite impressed.
Fei: What did you teach them?
Jerry: One teacher gave me some sentences to practice. The kids love to repeat things out loud! Sometimes I shouted the sentences, and they shouted back at me. Other times I whispered, and they whispered back. They were very cute.
Fei: Yes, I can imagine.
Jerry: We also sang songs and played some English games together.
Fei: That's great. You know, when I was in primary school, we never had English lessons.
Jerry: How about in middle school?
Jerry: Well, you've managed to learn English very well. I guess it's because you're a "Super Student".
Fei: Ha ha ha. Not me! The kids you saw today seem to be much more "super" than I am. They're the future of China.
Jerry: Yes, they are, so China must have a bright future! I wonder what this country will be like in 15 or 20 years when these kids are adults.
Fei: Hi Jerry, I've been looking for you. Where have you been?
Jerry: I just had a very interesting experience. I spent the whole day with dozens of little children!
Fei: That sounds like fun.
Jerry: Yes, it was fun... but exhausting! Kids have so much energy.
Fei: Where did you meet all these kids?
Jerry: At the primary school down the street. I visited some of their classes in the morning, then taught them some simple English in the afternoon.
Fei: English must be very difficult for them.
Jerry: Actually, they were very eager to learn. I was quite impressed.
Fei: What did you teach them?
Jerry: One teacher gave me some sentences to practice. The kids love to repeat things out loud! Sometimes I shouted the sentences, and they shouted back at me. Other times I whispered, and they whispered back. They were very cute.
Fei: Yes, I can imagine.
Jerry: We also sang songs and played some English games together.
Fei: That's great. You know, when I was in primary school, we never had English lessons.
Jerry: How about in middle school?
Fei: We studied English, but only for a test. It wasn't very practical.
Jerry: Well, you've managed to learn English very well. I guess it's because you're a "Super Student".
Fei: Ha ha ha. Not me! The kids you saw today seem to be much more "super" than I am. They're the future of China.
Jerry: Yes, they are, so China must have a bright future! I wonder what this country will be like in 15 or 20 years when these kids are adults.
Berkunjung ke Sekolah Dasar
Jerry: Hai Fei, bagaimana harimu? Fei: Hai Jerry, saya sudah mencari Anda. Kemana Saja Kamu? Jerry: Saya baru saja mengalami pengalaman yang sangat menarik. Saya menghabiskan sepanjang hari dengan puluhan anak kecil! Fei: Kedengarannya menyenangkan. Jerry: Ya, itu menyenangkan ... tapi melelahkan! Anak-anak punya banyak energi. Fei: Di mana Anda bertemu semua anak-anak ini? Jerry: Di sekolah dasar di ujung jalan. Saya mengunjungi beberapa kelas mereka di pagi hari, kemudian mengajar mereka beberapa bahasa Inggris sederhana di sore hari. Fei: Bahasa Inggris pasti sangat sulit bagi mereka. Jerry: Sebenarnya, mereka sangat ingin belajar. Saya cukup terkesan. Fei: Apa yang Anda ajarkan kepada mereka? Jerry: Seorang guru memberi saya beberapa kalimat untuk berlatih. Anak-anak suka mengulangi hal-hal dengan keras! Kadang-kadang saya meneriakkan kalimat-kalimat itu, dan mereka membalas saya. Lain kali saya berbisik, dan mereka balas berbisik. Mereka sangat imut. Fei: Ya, saya bisa membayangkan. Jerry: Kami juga menyanyikan lagu-lagu dan memainkan beberapa permainan bahasa Inggris bersama. Fei: Bagus sekali. Anda tahu, ketika saya di sekolah dasar, kami tidak pernah memiliki pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Jerry: Bagaimana di sekolah menengah? Fei: Kami belajar bahasa Inggris, tetapi hanya untuk tes. Itu tidak terlalu praktis. Jerry: Yah, Anda sudah berhasil belajar bahasa Inggris dengan sangat baik. Saya kira itu karena Anda adalah "Siswa Super". Fei: Ha ha ha. Bukan saya! Anak-anak yang Anda lihat hari ini tampaknya jauh lebih "super" daripada saya. Mereka adalah masa depan Tiongkok. Jerry: Ya, benar, jadi Cina harus memiliki masa depan yang cerah! Saya bertanya-tanya seperti apa negara ini dalam 15 atau 20 tahun ketika anak-anak ini adalah orang dewasa. |
School Café
Randy: Hi! I'm Randy. What's your name?
Ricky: Hello, Randy. My name's Ricky.
Randy: Hi Ricky. Are you a new student here?
Ricky: Yes, I had my first lesson this morning. Are you a new student too?
Randy: No, I've been here for six months.
Ricky: Six months. That's a long time.
Randy: It's not so long really. What class are you in? Intermediate or …?
Ricky: Intermediate Three. And what about you?
Randy: I'm in Advanced One. Who's your teacher?
Ricky: I can't remember her name, but she's got curly red hair.
Randy: Ah! Does she wear glasses?
Ricky: Yes, I think so.
Randy: That's probably Anne Wallis.
Ricky: Yes that's right. Do you know her? Is she your teacher too?
Randy: No. But she taught me last term. How long have you been here?
Ricky: Only a week.
Randy: Wow, not long. Where do you live? With a family?
Ricky: Well, I'm staying at the YMCA at the moment. I'm looking for somewhere more permanent. Do you know of any good places?
Randy: Yes. Actually my friend has a spare room in here apartment and she's looking for a flatmate. Would you like her phone number?
Ricky: That would be great! Thanks for your help. Can I buy you coffee?
Ricky: Hello, Randy. My name's Ricky.
Randy: Hi Ricky. Are you a new student here?
Ricky: Yes, I had my first lesson this morning. Are you a new student too?
Randy: No, I've been here for six months.
Ricky: Six months. That's a long time.
Randy: It's not so long really. What class are you in? Intermediate or …?
Ricky: Intermediate Three. And what about you?
Randy: I'm in Advanced One. Who's your teacher?
Ricky: I can't remember her name, but she's got curly red hair.
Randy: Ah! Does she wear glasses?
Ricky: Yes, I think so.
Randy: That's probably Anne Wallis.
Ricky: Yes that's right. Do you know her? Is she your teacher too?
Randy: No. But she taught me last term. How long have you been here?
Ricky: Only a week.
Randy: Wow, not long. Where do you live? With a family?
Ricky: Well, I'm staying at the YMCA at the moment. I'm looking for somewhere more permanent. Do you know of any good places?
Randy: Yes. Actually my friend has a spare room in here apartment and she's looking for a flatmate. Would you like her phone number?
Ricky: That would be great! Thanks for your help. Can I buy you coffee?
Kafe Sekolah
Randy: Hai! Saya Randy. Siapa namamu? Ricky: Halo, Randy. Nama saya Ricky. Randy: Hai Ricky. Apakah kamu murid baru disini? Ricky: Ya, saya mendapat pelajaran pertama pagi ini. Apakah Anda seorang siswa baru juga? Randy: Tidak, saya sudah di sini selama enam bulan. Ricky: Enam bulan. Itu waktu yang lama. Randy: Tidak terlalu lama kok. Kamu berada di kelas apa? Menengah atau ...? Ricky: Tiga Menengah. Dan bagaimana denganmu? Randy: Saya di Advanced One. Siapa gurumu? Ricky: Saya tidak ingat namanya, tetapi dia memiliki rambut merah keriting. Randy: Ah! Apakah dia memakai kacamata? Ricky: Ya, saya kira begitu. Randy: Itu mungkin Anne Wallis. Ricky: Ya itu benar. Anda tahu dia? Apakah dia juga gurumu? Randy: Tidak. Tapi dia mengajar saya semester lalu. Sudah berapa lama kamu di sini? Ricky: Hanya seminggu. Randy: Wow, tidak lama. Dimana kamu tinggal? Dengan keluarga? Ricky: Ya, saya tinggal di YMCA saat ini. Saya mencari tempat yang lebih permanen. Apakah Anda tahu tempat yang bagus? Randy: Ya. Sebenarnya temanku punya kamar cadangan di sini apartemen dan dia sedang mencari teman sekamar. Apakah Anda ingin nomor teleponnya? Ricky: Itu bagus sekali! Terima kasih atas bantuan Anda. Bisakah saya membelikan Anda kopi? |
Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/