Soal UKK/ UAS Kelas 5 B. Inggris Semester 2
Soal UKK/ UAS Kelas 5 B. Inggris Semester 2/ Genap KTSP. Dapatkan Soal Latihan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas/ Ujian Akhir Semester tahun ajaran 2016 2017 mata pelajaran b inggris/ english kelas 5 SD/SDIT/ MI sesuai dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan.
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Kumpulan Soal UKK / UAS Kelas 5 KTSP dan Kurikulum 2013
Kumpulan Soal UKK Kelas 1 2 3 4 5 Terbaru tahun 2017
Dibawah ini adalah Soal UAS B. Inggris Kls 5 smt 2, yaitu :
I. Choose the correctly answer by crossing (X) A, B, C or D !
1. Restu : How many times do you take a bath every day ?
Yahya : I take a bath . . . a day
A. Once B. Twice C. Ten D. Twenty
2. There are . . . months in a year.
A. Seven B. Twelve C. Fifteen D. Thirty
3. Windi has toothache so she must go to . . .
A. Market B. Bank C. School D. Dentist
4. Siti : “ . . . do you study ? “
Diva : “ I study at SDN Nusantara 1.
A. What B. Where C. Why D. How
5. These are kind of air transportation, except . . .
A. Helicopter B. Raft C. Aeroplane D. Airbus
6. Meli : “May I borrow your book, Meta ?”
Diva : “ I study at SDN Nusantara 1.
A. What B. Where C. Why D. How
Meta : “ I am . . . I am still reading it.
A. Yes of course B. Never mind C. Sorry D. Please
7. Yusup : “May I help you to cleaning the whiteboard Teacher!”
Teacher : “ . . . “
A. Yes of course B. Never mind C. Sorry D. Next time
8. Name of fruit which monkey like to eat is . . .
A. Banana B. Apple C. Pineapple D. Starfruit
9. Taufik Hidayat is one of . . . athlete from Indonesia.
A. Football B. Badminton C. Tennis D. Swimming
10. We always drink a glass of . . . for our health.
A. Soft drink B. Milk C. Syrup D. Coffee
11. Doing exercise like jogging or sport is . . . for our health.
A. Good B. Bad C. Bussy D. Worse
12. We go to Leuwi Panjang Terminal to have travel by . . .
A. Train B. Bus C. Submarine D. Ship
13. hobby – not – your – Reading – is
A. Reading not is your hobby B. Reading is not your hobby
C. Reading your hobby not is D. Reading is your hobby not
14. These vegetables are usually in a soup, except . . .
A. Carrot B. Cabbage C. Potato D. Chili
15. The biggest flower in the world is . . .
A. Rafflesia arnoldy B. Mushroom C. Cactus D. Jasmine
16. These are kind of fruits which colour is red, except . . .
A. Watermelon B. Apple C. Pineapple D. Strawberry
17. We borrow some books at the . . .
A. Canteen B. Office C. Class D. Library
18. Irman : “My father got sick yesterday !”
Ilham : “ I am . . . to hear that my friend!”
A. Glad B. Happy C. Sure D. Sorry
19. “ Today is your school graduate! . . . for your success!
A. Welcome B. Congratulation C. Sorry D. Shame
20. These are kind of non infectious desease (penyakit tidak menular), except . . .
A. Headache B. Toothache C. Poisoness D. Influenza
21. Sick people get first aid at the hospital in the . . .
A. Emergency room B. Nursing room C. Mortuary D. Pharmacy
22. We must to wear . . . if ride a motorcycle.
A. Driving liscences B. Helmet C. Raincoat D. Ribbon
23. Resti : “Thanks for helping me, Rika !”
Rika : “ . . . “
A. Its oke B. I am sorry C. You’re welcome D. Never mind
24. Sick people brought to the hospital by . . . .
A. Aeroplane B. Ambulance C. Motorcycle D. Airbus
25. Animal which protect in Ujungkulon is . . .
A. Elephant B. Rhinoceros C. Tiger D. Monkey
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable words !
26. Docter and nurse always work at . . . .
27. Name of fruit which has oranye colour and rich of Vitamin C is . . . .
28. Name of vegetable which rabbit like to eat is . . . .
29. If we are sick we must drink . . . .
30. Kind of wild animal which has a long trunk and ivory is . . . .
31. Name of land transportation which need rail way is . . . .
32. “May I introduce my self, My . . . is Susan “
33. Ari : “Thanks for giving me a new story book!”
Ira : “ . . .“
34. My mother buy many kind of vegetables at the . . .
35. Kind of insect which caused Malaria, cikungunya and dengue is . . .
III. Answer these questions correctly!
36. Mention 3 names of carnivore animals ?
37. Mention 3 kind of rooms at hospital ?
38. Mention 3 names of water transportation ?
39. Mention 3 names of sport which used ball to play ?
40. Re-arrange the jumble sentences into agood paragraph !
a. My hobby ia reading a book.
b. Do you know my hobby ?
c. I usually borrow the books at the library.
d. So that why I always reading books at the library everyday.